If you're reading this then usually it's down to one of 3 reasons: you're an entrepreneur currently doing your own marketing and results aren't where you need them to be. You own a business and it has a small marketing team but you want help getting the most from them so that the business can go faster. You are a marketer and you're looking for fresh ways to sharpen your skillset, you heard about the MATE™ Method and have come to check it out.

Whatever your reason – it's great to have you here.

Author of "This Book Fixed My Marketing"

& creator of the MATE™ Method


This Book Fixed My Marketing is a working blueprint that simplifies the complexities of marketing and makes becoming an effective, potent marketer within reach for anyone who can follow the 4-pillars of the MATE™ Method's proprietary model for building brands at scale. 

This system is the culmination of a decade's worth of testing working alongside SMEs, professional sporting franchises, FTSE100 companies, national governments and charitable organisations. 

The MATE™ Method has successfully taken start-ups from 0-7 figures and it has also been the catalyst in accelerating the growth of 8, 9 and even 10-figure organisations.



Find out just how effective you are in the marketing department with the MATE™ Method assessment. Take the quiz and discover in 2 minutes or less where you're strongest and where there's room for growth across the key elements that drive marketing performance. 

You'll get a tailored report for free, complete with dynamic insights built around your business based on your unique score.


The MATE™ Method is a functional framework that takes us back to the core of what marketing was always about: saying the right thing, to the right person, at the right time, and in the right way. These principles have been neglected in the wake of the internet marketing revolution and amongst the wreckage are countless entrepreneurs and advertising cowboys with warped marketing views and ineffective strategies that don't abide by the constant truths that have always governed great marketing.  

MATE™ is for the entrepreneur who treats business as a marathon and not as a sprint and it's for the marketers who want fresh, refined ideas to grow the brands they work with to increase the impact that that work has. 

The magic behind the framework of MATE™ is that it doesn't need technology, apps, social media or fad trends to work. It's a unique and logical system of thinking that's timeless by design. In other words, it doesn't expire. 

Why MATE™ matters is that it cuts beyond the tactics, tricks and lies that the industry of marketing education has piled onto businesses and rips you back to heart of when, why and how marketing works so that you can replicate success over and over again. 

This is an authentic methodology honed from more than a decade of real-world application, tens of millions of dollars, pounds and euros invested through advertising and subsequent tens of millions of dollars, pounds and euros generated in sales for businesses on 5 continents and countless industries. 

The MATE™ Method was crafted to support businesses to help themselves in ways that haven't always been clear cut and simple in a marketing sense. By design, its purpose is to strip back the complexities of the scientific art of marketing and offer fresh perspective and thought process that grow businesses, establish brands and generate commercial gains that truly move the needle.  



When This Book Fixed My Marketing makes its eagerly awaited release, you can win one of the 100 hard copies being gifted to celebrate its launch by author and MATE™ creator, Josh Smith.   

Your details are protected with us.


The MATE™ Methodology was created by marketing and advertising entrepreneur/angel investor, Josh Smith. Over the past 10 years, Josh has developed MATE™ piece-by-piece whilst guiding brands of all shapes and sizes across the globe through wildly profitable marketing blueprints. Smith's vision, brought to life on the back of having invested tens of millions of pounds solving his client's biggest marketing challenges was to codify his proven methods and simplify them into bite-sized, implementable processes – or "pillars" that can be 'clicked together' and easily taught.

Josh's primary goal from the outset of engineering the MATE™ Method was to hone a teachable system for marketing and sales that would never become redundant in the ever-churning world of 21st Century marketing where short-lived, guru driven fads continually confuse and distract business owners and their marketing teams. The goal was to design a framework that would be dependable and independent from anything else. It needed to be a legacy worthy.

Beyond being a consultant and in-demand creative marketing specialist, Smith is a popular speaker and trainer having spoken on stages around the world, passionately sharing his knack for how to capture attention, generate leads and make sales with less effort in competitive markets. 

At the heart of it all, Josh has a distinct love for helping brands solve their most demanding marketing problems. Whether it's doing so from the front of the room or together in the boardroom, that work continues to drive the evergreen philosophy of MATE™ inspired marketing.  

Author of "This Book Fixed My Marketing"

& creator of the MATE™ Method

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